RATINGS vs Newport County: Super Scott Wootton is the man among boys

Scott Wootton. Pic: MK DonsScott Wootton. Pic: MK Dons
Scott Wootton. Pic: MK Dons
Dons ratings vs Newport County:

Lee Nicholls - 6 - Looked good as a shot stopper, but fumbled a few simple balls which left his defence uneasy.

Ben Tilney - 6 - Was caught out a number of times in the first half, but made up for defensive frailties with a stunning goal to equalise.

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Oran Jackson - 7 - Looked the most assured youngster on the pitch. Calm, confident, wise to Newport’s strikers.

Scott Wootton - 8 - Dominant, powerful, a leader. Showed no signs of a lack of fitness having missed pre-season. Highly likely to become Robinson’s first choice centre back.

George B Williams - 6 - Out-numbered regularly and struggled to read the game, but grew into it. Provided a surprising aerial threat from corners.

David Kasumu - 6 - Was a boy amongst men in the centre as Newport used size and experience to overpower him. Didn’t seem to let it affect his confidence though as he remained keen to get on the ball.

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Andrew Osei-Bonsu - 6 - Like Kasumu, didn’t let his lack of physical presence dent his confidence as he threw himself into tackles, and tested the keeper with a strong shot from range.

Connor Furlong - 5 - Had a brief spell of promise, but his game was epitomised when he showed a lack of desire to track back.

Brandon Thomas-Asante - 7 - Exciting to watch, keen to get on the ball and wasn’t put off by the physicality of Newport’s midfield. One to watch.

Giorgio Rasulo - 5 - As one of the more experienced players in the side, didn’t make an impact whatsoever.

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Kabongo Tshimanga - 7 - Played a lonely game as the lone striker, but impressed with his strength and power on the ball. Played a neat one-two with Bowditch to win the penalty.


Dean Bowditch - 8 - Made his experience count, leading the line and netting twice, both the opener and winner. A fine return from injury.

Daniel Powell - 6 - Didn’t have as much impact as Bowditch.

George C Williams - A late substitution but wasn’t on the ball much

Top Don: Scott Wootton