Just a few minutes of light exercise 'helps older men live longer'

Just a few minutes of light exercise - such as gentle gardening or taking the dog for a walk - helps older men live longer, according to a new study.

Researchers found that clocking up just half an hour of any level of physical activity, including of light intensity, is linked to a 17 per cent reduction in the risk of death in older men.

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The study, published online by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, suggests that, providing the recommended 150 minute weekly tally of moderate to physical activity is reached, total volume, rather than activity in 10 minute bouts, as current guidelines recommend, might be key.

Researchers say that a lower level of intensity is also likely to be a better fit for older men, most of whose daily physical activity is of light intensity.

Current exercise guidelines recommend accumulating at least 150 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous physical activity in bouts lasting 10 or more minutes.

But researchers say that such a pattern is not always easy for older adults to achieve.

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To find out if other patterns of activity might still contribute to lowering the risk of death, the researchers drew on figures from the British Regional Heart Study.

The study involved 7,735 participants from 24 towns in Britain, who were aged between 40 and 59 when the study stated in 1978-80.

Lifestyle checklist

In 2010-12, the 3,137 survivors were invited for a check-up, which included a physical examination, and questions about their lifestyle, sleeping patterns, and whether they had ever been diagnosed with heart disease.

They were also asked to wear an accelerometer- a portable gadget that continuously tracks the volume and intensity of physical activity - during waking hours for seven days. Their health was then tracked until death or June 2016, whichever came first.

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In all, 1,566 (50 per cent) agreed to wear the device, but after excluding those with pre-existing heart disease and those who hadn't worn their accelerometer enough during the seven days, the final analysis was based on 1,181 men, with an average age of 78.

During the monitoring period, which averaged around five years, 194 of the men died.

The accelerometer findings indicated that total volume of physical activity, from light intensity upwards, was associated with a lower risk of death from any cause.