Woburn Safari Park welcomes wonderful new sea lion pup Winnie

Woburn's new arrival WinnieWoburn's new arrival Winnie
Woburn's new arrival Winnie
In a rare statistical twist of fate, the Woburn Satari Park's new-born female sea lion pup '˜Winnie' has beaten incredible odds to be born on the birthday of her one-year old brother '˜Gus'.

The chances of the siblings being born on the same day is less than one per cent!

It also seems that good things come in pairs as before the birth of Gus, keepers had not seen a sea lion birth at Woburn in over a decade.

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The arrival of Gus and Winnie marks the beginning of the third generation of sea lions at Woburn. The adorable birthday duo live in the Sea Lion Beach enclosure in the Foot Safari, cared for by animal keepers and their 16-year old mother Kira.

Winnie with her mum, KiraWinnie with her mum, Kira
Winnie with her mum, Kira

Kira is doing well and Winnie has been settling in with the other members of the rookery. Winnie likes to spend most of the day alongside her mum, sunbathing and napping on the waterfall area down in Sea Lion Beach. She has recently started going for a swim in the main pool while Kira stays very close.

Visitors can see Winnie, Gus and Kira at one of the daily talks and demonstrations given by keepers at the park.

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