Thousands sign petition to save Milton Keynes theatre The Stables

The StablesThe Stables
The Stables
More than 16,000 people have signed a petition against plans to build a housing estate near The Stables theatre in Wavendon.

Abbey Homes plan to build up to 134 homes on the western boundary of the popular theatre, with fears noise from The Stables could prompt complaints and potential closure.

More than 400 events are held at The Stables per year, as well as workshops and courses.

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The petition, attracted more than 10,000 signatures in the first 48 hours, hopes to reach 20,000 signatures by June 27.

The StablesThe Stables
The Stables

The Stables said: "After consulting with our solicitors and noise consultants, we have concluded that this latest application puts The Stables at even greater risk than previously.

"If the proposed housing development is approved by Milton Keynes Council, previous protections which had been hard fought for will disappear, leading to the possibility of noise complaints from residents of the new homes and ultimately to the closure of this much-loved cultural asset.

"We need to make the Council fully aware of the local, regional and national support for The Stables and also of the strong opposition to any housing development that threatens its future."