Milton Keynes man sentenced to 3 years' jail for drug offences

MPMC Andrew WarneckeMPMC Andrew Warnecke
MPMC Andrew Warnecke
A man has been sentenced to a total of three years' and four months' imprisonment for drugs offences in Milton Keynes.

Andrew Warnecke, aged 46, of Jennings, Stantonbury, was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Friday (May 12).

He was convicted at the same court on April 24 after pleading guilty to one count of possession with intent to supply heroin and one count of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine.

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On September 26, 2016, Warnecke was seen driving erratically in Monks Way, near Bancroft.

After a short pursuit by officers, he was stopped and asked to get out of his car.

While officers were checking his driving licence and insurance details, wraps of drugs, which were later confirmed to be heroin and crack cocaine, fell out of his trouser legs.

He was arrested and taken into custody where further wraps of heroin and crack cocaine were found in his underwear following a search.

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Warnecke was also in possession of two mobile phones, both of which contained messages relating to the supply of drugs.

Investigating officer, Det Con Alana Heaver, of Milton Keynes Local Area CID, said: “I welcome the sentence which Warnecke has received and I hope that he uses the time which he will spend in prison to reflect on his actions.

“Drugs destroy lives, families and communities and I hope that this sends a warning to anyone who is in possession of or who deals class A drugs in Milton Keynes that Thames Valley Police will robustly investigate such offences, make arrests and bring offenders before the courts.”