Milton Keynes has 'high' number of cold calls compared to rest of UK

Residents of MK get more cold calls than the UK averageResidents of MK get more cold calls than the UK average
Residents of MK get more cold calls than the UK average
Residents in Milton Keynes have a high rate of cold calls and texts for personal injury claims - as demands are made to start banning cold calls

The city has 18.1 reported calls and texts for every 100,000 residents - the average rate for UK postcode areas was 14.2 reported calls and texts for every 100,000 residents between May and October 2017.

“This really is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Brett Dixon, who is the president of The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).

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“These figures only cover the cold calls that are reported. There will be many more which are not.

"Cold calls and texts give the impression that claiming money for compensation is easy, when it is not. This in turn encourages frivolous or fraudulent claims.

"It is a tasteless and intrusive practice which preys on the vulnerable and it really must be banned.”

The calls for a ban comes as the House of Commons debates The Financial Guidance and Claims Bill on Monday (January 22). APIL is urging ministers to uphold an earlier commitment, made in a House of Lords debate on this Bill, to ban cold calling by claims management companies.

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Mr Dixon added: “This is a chance for us to put an end to this scourge of nuisance cold calls and texts which have infuriated us all at some point or another.

"The Government must introduce this ban in the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill now. It is the best opportunity finally to stop claims management companies making cold calls about personal injury claims.