Milton Keynes Community Fridge inspires new fridge locations

More than seven tons of food has been shared in MKs Community FridgeMore than seven tons of food has been shared in MKs Community Fridge
More than seven tons of food has been shared in MKs Community Fridge
The Old Bath House in Wolverton welcomed the Community Fridge Network to host their national gathering last week.

Twenty-one organisations from across the country discovered the benefits of community fridges demonstrating the city’s own community fridge in action as an example of the movement’s success.

Organised by Hubbub Charity UK and hosted by MK Community Fridge, the group were treated to a lunchtime feast prepared by Oke of the Afro-Caribbean Lunch-Club and the young people at Think Food who rose to the challenge and created a delicious multi-course feast from food that would have otherwise been put in the bin.

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For MK Community Fridge the seed was planted for more than one possible new community fridge locations in the city this year.

MK Community Fridge has already shared more than seven tons of unwanted quality food and the benefits are being felt across the city.

New developments in supermarket operations will allow MK Community Fridge to evolve its opening hours from next week.

The doors to the foyer of The Old Bath House will be open for visitors to share unwanted food every weekday morning between 10-12.30pm and weekday evenings (staffed) 7-8pm.

Opening hours:

10-12.30pm Mon-Friday (unstaffed)

12.30-2pm Thursday – Pop-up café in The Main Hall

7-8pm Mon-Friday (staffed)

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The Community Fridge Café pop-ups every Thursday at 12.30pm in the Main Hall of The Old Bath House and their team serves drinks, treats and sometimes a simple hot lunch from surplus food from the fridge. There is no charge and everyone is welcome.

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