Fifty Milton Keynes homeless people given accommodation by council before Christmas

Homelessness is a major problem in MKHomelessness is a major problem in MK
Homelessness is a major problem in MK
More than 50 homeless people have been taken off the streets and offered pre-Christmas emergency accommodation by Milton Keynes council during the current cold weather snap.

The council has rolled out the emergency protocol ever since temperatures plummeted on December 7.

Officials even used a little festive spirit and took into account the ‘feels like’ temperature and wind chill factor, rather than the air temperature, to launch the protocol.

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This week Councillor Nigel Long, Cabinet member for homelessness, has praised the work of everybody involved.

He said: “Living on the streets is isolating and affects people’s health. Winter conditions make it even harder. Our housing and homelessness teams are working incredibly hard with partners to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to have access to shelter. if they’re at risk during severe cold weather.”

There are around 90 known rough sleeps in MK, though the figure varies from week to week.

This time five years ago, there were just six people sleeping rough in the city.

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All the homeless people who have been placed in temporary accommodation are being contacted by the Homelessness Prevention Team to be directed to CMK’s Winter Night shelter for an assessment for further accommodation and help once the minus temperatures end.

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